Rule of Law

The day the OJ verdict was announced, I was working in a big office filled with people in cubicles. At least 25 percent of the workers were African American. Maybe more. When the verdict was read not guilty, all of my black co workers were screaming and jumping up and down like they had just won the lottery. It wasn’t that they thought he was innocent. They were just happy to see OJ work the system the way so many mostly rich, white people have always done. They didn’t have much faith in our justice system for obvious reasons.

I thought about that day last night when the Trump verdict came down. Here’s a guy that has worked every system there is to his advantage his entire life. I had no faith he’d be found guilty. People like him are rarely held to account. And yet, the rule of law held. It may not always do so but it did yesterday. No one is above the law. Or at least, that’s how’s it’s supposed to work. The evidence was overwhelming and a jury of 12 did their jobs.

Let’s raise a glass, then. To the rule of law. 🍻

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